Calgary, Alberta Canada

The Process – what it does
The Accountability/Alignment process provides a framework for streamlining operations — outlining key accountabilities (end-results) for each individual, as well as the support they need from others. Key goals and a plan for staying focused are also articlutated. The process then identifies any gaps and overlaps in accountabilities, and aligns within each team and across workgroups.
The Process – how it’s done

The process typically begins at the organizational level with the most leverage—this could be the Senior Management team or the leaders of a certain project environment. These leaders complete an Accountability Agreement, typically facilitated in a one to one meeting with a consultant.  Facilitation by a consultant(s) at this level covers a number of key points:
1) Allows upper management to see the power of the Accountability/Alignment process.
2) Sets a culture of accountability and a  tone that says "Accountability begins with me" throughout the organization.
3) Organizational issues can be discovered and addressed before cascading the process

Once the first round of Agreements have been completed, individuals share their Accountability Agreements with interdependent colleagues using AlignOnline, our interactive online tool. This enables everyone to be clear about their deliverables, prioritize and focus on end results, identify the support each requires to be successful, and the positive consequences each expects to receive for his or her achievements. All members in this group then participate in an Alignment session, where gaps, overlaps, and organizational issues related to accountabilities are identified and resolved. These first meetings are typically facilitated by a consultant—allowing managers to focus on key alignment issues. Follow-up alignment meetings are then typically faciliatated in-house, with support from consulants when requested.

After the senior Alignment session is complete, the process is then cascaded down the organization, one level at a time. Alignment issues are identified and resolved at each level. We encourage the creation of Accountability Agreements at lower levels using AlignOnline - it is a cost effective and highly automated tool.

What you end up with is an organization united behind its strategic plan, focused on end-results, and aligned to ensure individual, team, and organizational success.


Using the process in your organization

We encourage you to learn more about our process as outlined in our books Accountability: Getting a Grip on Results and Aligned Like a Laser. Contact us and we will help you draft an execution plan and provide any additional support that you require.

We also encourage you to browse through our workshops on Accountabilility, team performance, and leadership. 
Examples of our workshops include:
- Accountability in the Workplace,
- Developing High Performance Teams,
- Coaching for Success, Leading Change, and
- Managing Technical and Managerial Careers.



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